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Horse Power

2005 has been an important year for VAGABOND . On one hand we have to get prepared for our circumnavigation, on the other, we have to treat her for the osmosis symptoms that she has just began to show. We have therefore taken her out of the water in Marti Marina, Orhaniye, Marmaris. We have appointed our friend Captain Tayfun, the technical service and maintenance agent in Marti Marina, for the repair and maintenance for VAGABOND.

OsmosisThe hull was stripped off its jellcoat by a peeler (something like an electric shaving machine), up to the dry surface. Than the hull was washed with pressurized hot water numerous times, and the boat was let dry until Aprıl 2005. As all valves were taken out, living in the boat was not possible, therefore we have rented an apartment in the Orhaniye village, and passed all winter in Orhaniye – Istanbul – Canakkale triangle (in Canakkale, our son Omer was doing his military service in the navy.) By the end of April, as soon as the weather temperature increased, the osmosis treatment started, and now VAGABOND has an excellent waterproof epoxy coated hull. Although we have always tried to do all maintenance work by ourselves, we have decided that osmosis treatment must definitely done professionally. When the treatment was completed, all the valves and other underwater accessories were back in place, painting and antifouling done and VAGABOND was back in water on Friday, the 3 rd of June 2005.


We have also bought a polyethylene dinghy with a surrounding inflated fender, and with an optional sailing rig. We can either sail, or row, or drive heWalkerBayr with an outboard engine. We have replaced our liferaft (may we never use it) that was 25 years old. We have also replaced our genoa winches with new self tailing Antal winches. We have repaired our solar panel that was not functioning. We have polished and painted various parts of the cockpit. Also, all stainless steel have been repaired and polished. We have added a salt water hose to the anchor area. Our sun awning has been renewed, the radio has been replaced with new loud speaker system in the cockpit. Bonding system has been renewed. 12 V Light has been added to the cockpit and the engine compartment. In addition to the main GPS and a hand GPS, we have now a “Bluetooth GPS” to connect to the laptop computer. We also have SSB modem for e-mail, and an Epirb for security.


In the meantime the organization work for MAYRA 2005 (The Marmara Yacht Rally) for which I am the commodore, has been completed. I would like to thank Yalcın Dulger, Atakoy Marina Yacht Club Secretary, and Salih Coruh, member of the board of directors. This year in Mayra we will have a big jolly group with the addition of foreigners. Now we have to sail from Martı Marina to Istanbul Atakoy Marina. We allow a week for this 500 nm journey.




Sunday, June 5 th we say goodbye to the Martı Marina that we have wintered, and started the engine. At 3:15 PM we arrive in Turgutreis D-Marine. Cilek/StrowberriesUmit GulsoyWe meet Umit Gulsoy, who will accompany us to Istanbul . We visit Umit's magnificent villa and pick up strawberries from a nearby farm. After a light supper, we go back to VAGABOND,



Monday, June 6 th at 6:00 we start off to Kusadasi. After a very calm trip, at 3 PM we arrive in Kusadasi Marina. We first get diesel, and then tied stern to the same pontoon that we have passed 3 years in 1995-98. The marina is not as crowded as it was in the nineties, but still we see some old friends like Bill and Shery. We have also met the crews of s/y BLUE GWENN and s/y ROBINLEIGH that we know from KAYRA 2004 (The Black Sea Yacht Rally). We had a good dinner at Gondol Pizza, and returned to the boat for strawberries.


Tuesday, June 7 th We started off to Çeşme. We took a short swim break at Doganbey, and then continued to Cesme port. In the evening we have met Eyup, Beril and Deniz Onurdes, and their friend Ersin and his family. We had a good dinner at a new restaurant, and went back to the boat.


Wednesday, June 8 th . The sea is so calm, that we did not want to stop elsewhere, and continued off to Bozcaada 90 nm away, leaving Lesbos BozcaadaIsland on our starboard side. Cruising time between 6:30 AM to 8:30 PM . Thanks to Poseidon, we had light southerlies all the way, quite unusual for Aegean sea . The next day we decided to stay with our friends Zuhal and Murat Emiralioglu, visit their new home, visit Berrin's jewelry shop, visit an airport that a recreational airplane pilot has made. In the evening the marina officer Serifali and his wife dropped by and brought us fresh wine leaves for dolmas.



Friday June 10 th . At 6:30 we start off from Bozcaada in very calm weather. We have 75 nm to go to Murefte. Since we have no wind, the engine isDolma sarma on all the time, now the fuel tank on the starboard side is empty, we switch to the port tank. We wish to remove all remains from the 2004 Blacksea Yacht Rally, because the diesel filters are very dirty, almost blocked. The sea is so calm that Nilgun and Umit are making dolmas out of the wine leaves. In 12 hours, at 6:30 PM we arrive in Murefte, and as usual are greeted by Mesut Kızılırmak, Port Manager. We go together to the town to do some shopping, and Mesut Bey invites us to their home overlooking to the port, and we spend a very joyous evening there.


Saturday, June 11 th We planned to start at 7:30 , but a gust of wind and rain accompanied with very frequent thunder and lightning made us postpone our starting time to 10:00 . Once again we start off in very calm weather and arrive in Atakoy Marina at 6:30PM . It is so good to come back to the marina that is hosting the boats of many many friends. We will stay here until June 21 st , the starting date of Mayra, complete the work that must be done in the boat with the help of our friend Cengiz Ozgul, and then we will start off " FIRST TO MAYRA, THEN TO THE WORLD


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